Friday, October 28, 2011

The Great California ShakeOut!

Last week on October 20th, Quality Claims participated in The Great California ShakeOut. Everyone at QCMC dropped, got under cover and held on for the duration of the drill.

The Great California ShakeOut is a statewide earthquake drill spanning all 58 California counties and Yuma County, AZ. More than 7.9 million Californians participated in 2010, practicing
Drop, Cover, and Hold On and other aspects of family, school, and organizational emergency plans.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Quality Claims Announces Partnership with Docuhome

Homeowners and Renters Now Have No Excuse for Not Documenting their Possessions for their Insurance Policy

SAN DIEGO, CA – October 20, 2011

Quality Claims Management, ( a national leader in Public Insurance Adjusting, today announced that it has entered into a partnership with DocuHome to provide the best possible online home inventory and asset protection services.

Over the years, the Quality Claims team has helped thousands of fire, flood and disaster victims and learned that one of the biggest challenges is a homeowner’s lack of any reliable inventory of their possessions. Following a disaster, insurance companies need a complete and up to date inventory of their policy holder’s possessions in order to fully reimburse them for their loss. However, creating a complete and accurate inventory list AFTER a disaster is nearly impossible.

“We always tell people to prepare their home inventory list before they need it, before a disaster actually strikes,” says Ronald Reitz, President of Quality Claims and First Vice President of NAPIA, the National Association of Public Insurance Adjusters. “However, most people never get around to it. They are too busy, it’s too complicated, or they think they are unlikely to really need it. We have heard every excuse! That is why we have partnered with DocuHome.”

 DocuHome is the fastest and most complete home inventory software available. By using any digital camera or even a phone camera, the DocuHome step-by-step process makes creating a home inventory simple.  Not only is it easy to use, it is very affordable – about $69 a year!

Homeowners and renters start by taking photos of their home and its contents, room by room. After uploading the photos to their DocuHome account, they use the innovative DocuHome Tagging Inventory Creation Tool to tag the items (furniture, appliances, artwork, toys, electronics) in each photo with information about cost, purchase location, when acquired, and other relevant information about its value. Once the information is securely stored with DocuHome, it is safe and protected from any kind of disaster.

“We are proud to have partnered with Quality Claims Management, recognized nationally as the leader in recovery assistance for disaster victims. Quality Claims Management's unparalleled expertise in policy coverage is critical guidance in DocuHome's mission to help homeowners be prepared if a loss should occur," says Bradford Stanley, Chief Executive Officer of DocuHome. “Not only is DocuHome very secure, as all the information is stored online, the program is easy to use and some have said, fun.”

“Choosing the best home inventory application before you get started can mean the difference between successfully completing an inventory and never finishing,” adds Mr. Reitz.

DocuHome is the most comprehensive, easy to use home inventory product on the market today. Our patent-pending photo and tagging system is so easy to use, homeowners can photograph, assign a value, and safely store all of their possessions on-line in hours, not days. DocuHome has been featured on ABC News, AOL Real Estate, and many other business and consumer publications as one the smartest new technologies to come on the market. DocuHome is a privately held company and is headquartered in Santa Monica, California.