Quality Claims Management attended the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Public Insurance Adjusters (NAPIA) this past June to participate in discussions and educational sessions about Public Adjusting, and to witness the commencement of their own President, Ron Reitz, as NAPIA President for 2012-2013. The NAPIA Annual Meeting, held at The Grand Del Mar in San Diego, had Public Adjusters and other NAPIA members from all over the country in attendance.
Ron Reitz, President of Quality Claims, carries a wealth of experience as he has been in the Public Adjusting field since 1994. The NAPIA community is excited to have him lead the organization for this coming year. In addition to Ron’s presidential term commencement, Kim Cary, also of Quality Claims Management, was nominated to the Board of Directors for NAPIA.
The NAPIA Annual Meeting gives members the opportunity to network with fellow public adjusters from across the country and to advance their insurance knowledge.